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Message: Re: Chart is looking good....
Aug 12, 2016 01:00PM
Aug 12, 2016 01:22PM

Might there be a reason to try and keep the SP in this range Masilla? I don't know....and if someone (or someones) are behind that kind of effort, I don't expect them to announce it.

  • "Sorry to put those big lots on the ask guys...its just that I'm trying to buy as much as I can and I want anyone checking in to think there's a big seller looking to dump. After all there aren't many shares available for sale and I don't want any competition".

This is why I don't trust L-II....On the bid side we might only see 3 lots at the highest bid, but that could be part of an iceberg order....with 3 being the tip and another 500 lots maybe hidden.

Anyone who's played the market for any length of time knows that L-II can change in the blink of an eye.

I'm hoping/guessing that someone (or someones) might just know the PPS is going to be moving....and wants to load up quickly but as quietly and effciently as possible. As BDZ noted things are gonna get busy come September.....

There are market participants with the capacity to put a stock like RVX "in play"....but they're not going to do it imo unless they can profit from it.

Aug 17, 2016 02:47PM
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