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Message: Thoughts on the election....
Nov 03, 2016 11:18AM
Nov 03, 2016 11:47AM
Nov 03, 2016 12:08PM
Nov 03, 2016 12:56PM
Nov 03, 2016 04:21PM

I have no skin in the US election, so to speak.....being Canadian. But I've been doing some reading and the consensus seems to be that the market is anticipating a Clinton win, but is hedging its bet in the event of a Trump surprise. The articles I'm reading are predicting a sell off if Trump wins and a slight bounce if Clinton moves into the White House.

It makes sense to me...

The market hates uncertainty....and with Clinton they're getting a proven commodiity....now some might say that she is proven to be a liar, a fraud, that's she proven to have poor judgement, and I wouldn't argue the point. But those who say Trump is more of an unknown or ''unproven'' commodity, I think they're right.....The Donald has never held an elected position and is new to the political arena. I half expect that, if he wins, that he'll threaten to sue Russia, China and anyone else who competes with America.

Then you had Bernie Sanders' tweet the other day that sent shivers though the biotech space....

My guess is Hillary will win, even if they have to pull a Florida 2000 to do it. But will Trump diehards accept a Clinton win....even if its 100% legitimate? That's what makes this election so unprecedented. The U.S. has a history of revolution and rejecting authority.

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