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Message: I probably won't even bother with my proxy....

Ultimately I don't think my vote will make much difference one way or another.....even if I had 100,000 shares I don't think it would make a difference, and I don't even have half that many shares to vote.  I know that some will vote simply as a way of voicing either support or frustration....but I see that a gesture, and ultimately its a likely a fruitless gesture at that.

For what its worth....as far as the L-II comments go and the depth on the bid side.  I wonder if that is really all there is, knowing that brokers can use IceBerg orders so as to avoid advertising their intentions.  But of course its an entierely moot point, because even if the depth that is showing is just the tip of the iceberg, its not like someone is going to announe anything by saying:  "Okay okay...ya got me, I have an order in for 200K shares but I'm only showing 10 lots on the bid because I don't want everyone to know how many shares I really want".

Gonna spring board now into a thought that's been rattling around in my brain.  The huge jump in interest for MMPR plays (wacky tabacky) and a number of dubious penny stock promotions got me thinking about how the overall market functions. About how stocks get pumped and how the retail herd is so often suckered into buying high when the smart money players are dumping high.

There was a book that came out back in the 80s or 90s....The Art of War.  The book was presented as a business manual of sorts, but it used the lessons taught by Chinese Military Leader Sun Tzu way back in the 5th Century BCE.  Basically its the idea that waging war successfully is all about deception, that's the "Art" of war....deceiving your opponents.  

Sun Tzu laid out a number of principals, among them were these.

  • When your force is far away it must appear to be close by
  • When your force is close by it must appear to be far away
  • When you are weak you must appear strong
  • When you are strong you must appear weak

Pretty simple and logical.  When you have a force that is say...both far away and weak, you must make your enemy think you are close by and strong, to keep from being attacked when you're vunerable.  And likewise you almost want to encourage an attack when your force is most ready, strong and near for any attack.

There's another commonly held precept in warfare that says:  Know your enemy.  The better you know your adversay, the strategies they employ, their strenghts and weaknesses....then the better you will be able to manage your own forces.

Now looking at these principles from a market perspective, I think it would be safe to say that when the "smart money" big money players are looking to sell, that it must appear that they are buying instead.  And likewise when the smart money players want to buy, they must make it appear as though they are looking to sell.  

Its psycholicial warfare as I see things.

Does this apply to Reservlogix (RVX)?  Frankly I don't know....I do not think there are smart money players looking to sell right now, if there were I would expect to see a lot more depth on the buy side of the order book.  I would expect the professional brokers who are employed by the big players to try and deceive the retail crowd into thinking that there's big interest.

But that doesn't mean there are smart money players looking to load up either.  The ask side can be equally thin at times, when I would expect to see a big wall up of available shares visible on the ask side if big players wanted to encourage selling.

I actually don't have L-II myself, I figure why pay money to see what may very well be an attempt to deceive me.  I thought someone had posted L-II on here.....but it seems there were posts for today that were removed.

Just rambling thoughts.



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