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Message: Re: We lost that one???
Dec 19, 2016 02:52PM
Dec 19, 2016 05:18PM
Dec 19, 2016 07:25PM
Dec 19, 2016 08:05PM
Dec 19, 2016 08:21PM
Dec 19, 2016 08:30PM
Dec 19, 2016 08:37PM

I agree with you on this one led. I was very disappointed to learn that this licensing deal that DM said will happen by year end has been missed. His already low credibility with me just took another huge hit. 

Adding to the disappointment was the no NASDAQ listing,

DM not talking to the big guys at big pharma

and DM believing  BF will wait until after the midway study next year to make us any offers. 

Thanks Torpeedo for your info. No one here is questioning the truth in what you have told us about your conversation with Don and I certainly have no reason to doubt what you have told us at this point. This news is all a bitter pill to swallow but explains more about the low volume we are having in the wake of an anticipated licensing agreement. 

If there is a good reason we missed this one then DM needs to explain it, otherwise the buck stops with him and any criticism towards him over this one is fair game in my opinion. 

Regards DND

Dec 20, 2016 08:43AM
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