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Message: Re: Licensing Deal
Feb 27, 2017 01:23PM
Feb 27, 2017 04:08PM

Narmac, I sense a change in your tune.  Before you have been talking about RVX becoming a pharma now you are talking about a company outsourcing pharma functions, as HL does with distribution, and/or doing licensing deals.  I think a licensing model would be a good way to end up but we shall see what happens if and when BetOnMace is successful and/or when someone starts waving big dollars around.  With all the activity in Epigenetics that day may come sooner than later.  As I posted before, Arthur Higgins told Don that most pharma deals get done once there is an interested pharma who senses the competition might steal their prize.  All the activity laid out by BKC has got to be eliciting greater interest in RVX.  I believe that AstraZeneca for one can't help but see RVX as both a huge potential opportunity as well as a huge potential threat.  

I agree that billionaires have great resources to do deals, that's fairly obvious.  Most billionaires also seem to have a great appreciation for risk management and so far Eastern has shown a keen sense of that.  Eastern to me has not thus far taken as much equity as they could have given the circumstances along the way but they have certainly covered their downside.  I'm not sure that we have had any information to suggest that Hepalink is or isn't interested in more territory than they already have.  If BOM is successful I don't think anyone but Hepalink could say whether they would be happy to make a huge immediate ROI and still have their Apabetalone territory or whether they would like their investment to be a smaller, non controlling part of a more global enterprise.  Additionally, as with all big investors Eastern and Hepalink have more opportunities than just RVX. I don't think anyone here can really know what either company's agenda might be if the opportunity arose to very profitably exit some or all of their respective RVX positions and do something else with the funds.

All the above being said, my original post today was more about what type of deal might be done in the short term to keep RVX a going concern.  

Feb 27, 2017 08:28PM
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