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Message: We've moved a lot in a short space of time.....

Complaining....I have long considered it to be a central part of the Canadian character, I think it has a lot to do with our weather. Those of us who live north of the 49th parallel, most probably know the joke about how Canada has four seasons.

Almost winter


Still Frickin' Winter

And construction

I'm pretty sure that the majority of posters here are Canadian based on the amount of complaining that goes on, those that are not Hosers but still complain have likely been infected by the incessant pessimism and crying of the Canadians here.  

The Pastor at my church is wonderful, he's a man full of optimism and joy.  When the weather his particularily nice he'll often start a service by proclaiming in a loud voice:  "Isn't this a spectacular God given day".  And then, taking a theatric step to the side, he'll look back at the spot he just left, and with a scowling sneering expression say...."If it doesn't rain".  

Go back to the start of the year and the PPS was down around $1.70....Seven or eight months ago RVX's PPS was languishing in the $1.10 to $1.20 area.....not many stocks climb 100% or more in less than a year.  

So what do we hear:  Yeah there's some buying, but not a lot.  Sure $2.40 is nice, but it should be much higher still.  

I'm using 2015 as a benchmark.....and comparatively speaking I think the recent climb is far heathier than it was back then....in 2015 the PPS absolutely skyrocketed, from 50 or so cents to $3 in less than 4 months....and volumes compared with now were exponentially higher with RVX often trading hundreds of thousands of shares in a day....and up over 1 million a few times.  We all know what happened....the gains evaporated in a slow bleed out....imo it was a case of too much too fast.  

This time round the climb has not been as steep, it started out that way in Sept/Oct but it quicky cooled off and now the chart is looking like a cup or saucer pattern possibly from early October to the present.  

I like the fact that the climb continued today....on a Friday.  I don't think it would have been unreasonable to expect some profit taking on a Friday after a jump of almost 15% in just this past week.  But if there was some profit taking, there was more than enough buy side interest to take the PPS higher still.

I was going to do a blog post about RVX on Thursday...but my wife talked me out of it....she's a smart woman sometimes. And I was smart enough to listen perhaps....who knows.  Probably if I had written something it would have had very little to zero impact anyway.  

I am planning to write something Monday night though, after the short interest update....it is the aspect of the market that I consider most overlooked and one that I consider of vital importance.

Have a great weekend all, we just had a spectacular week and the weather looks wonderful....let's hope there's no rain coming.  


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