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Message: New patent application - USA Inventor


Long story short, I am not 100% sure which of Resverlogix's many patents was the first to cover RVX-208/apabetalone. If you are really interested, you can just google "patent search" and then do some digging. Or maybe you can ask Resverlogix. I don't know when the company was formed, but the first news releases on the Resverlogix website are from 2007 and that same year they have RVX-208 releated announcements. So maybe 2007 was the magic year.

RVX-208 is a small molecule belonging to the quinazoline family that was discovered in a HepG2 cell-based assay screen for molecules that increase the expression of apoAI (the precursor to HDL). There are many authors listed on the original Resverlogix paper entitled "RVX-208: a small molecule that increases apolipoprotein A-I and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in vitro and in vivo" that was published in 2010. Ever since the early 2000's, Norman Wong has been researching and filing patents releated to the ability of certain flavanoid/polyphenol (quinazolines are a sub-family of these) compounds to upregulate apoAI. I see several patents with Norman Wong listed as inventor and Resverlogix as assignee. Some of these patents may have originated from Norman Wong's own research prior to Resverlogix and perhaps he later assigned the patent to Resverlogix. One of these patents might be the one you are looking for. However, there are also some early patents with Resverlogix as assignee with Henrik Hansen or others listed as the inventor. 


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