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Message: So, how long do we have now?...

My two cents....or about a twelth of a share worth.  

For me its all about Market Cap....and my opinion on that hasn't changed.  If RVX had a MC of $1 or $2 billion CDN....that's one thing.  Even that is probably grossly undervalued if just BETonMACE succeeds and Apabetalone goes to market as a treatment for Diabetic patients.  

That's why I wouldn't have cared if they raised $100+ million....And who knows, maybe they tried and weren't successful, maybe $10 million odd was the best they could do.  Or maybe they could have raised signficantly more, but decided that $10 million would do for now, and that they'll do far better at a much higher PPS when the science is more proven....assuming they get a + FA sometime in and around August.  

I'm not going to sweat a $10 million raise....it is what it is, enough cash to punt the ball down the field another two or three months....I added some more today, but instead of averaging up, now I'm averaging down.  $2.20, $2, $1.80 or $1.60....imo all those prices are good if Apabetalone becomes a proven treatment for all or even some of the indications being targetted.  

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