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Message: Hmmmmmm


Now say management does come forward and communicate to us.  They would have to watch what they say (disclosure etc)and even at that point,  how many of us long time investors would take anything said seriously.  And this is mainly due to the things that have happened in that past with regards to the public statements.  I think anything they say at this point to "patch" things up would be met with tomatoes and other objects from the listening audience anyway. 

I don't mind the cone of silence simply because my conversations with them have left me comfortable knowing that they do have our best interests at heart.  Yes the communication as of late has a lot to be desired but that does not speak of the science.  And I know they are very excited about that.

The share price is irrelevant to me at this point.  If it was 3.50 at this point instead of 1.40, that doesnt really matter because I am waiting for the big price at the end.  And if the trial flops then it is worth nothing anyway.  I'll either be a glass clinker or a wound licker at the end of this.

I want Don to find the best deal he can for us and I really don't think that will happen until we have  concrete trial results.

And so I sit patiently....waiting 

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