koo, good point. I do not have any information re the loan except history and that fact that there has been nothing but positive discoveries that started to be published in August 2013. Since that time there have been no set backs and a constant stream of very good scientific discoveries regarding apabetalone including it's multi-modal MOA and strong saftey profile.
Therefore by deduction I conclude no one will let this ship sink. The question is what will be method of solving the problem. There could also be a short term extension in order for Don to complete a deal.
Just a side thought. A while back there was a poster who seemed to kick the tires of RVX. He/she was "tundup" and from my perspective was the best critiacl thiner by far in raising all of the critical questons from a business and scientific POV. Tundup seemed to also have a perspective on biotech in a broad context Tundup dissappeared. I wonder why?
Anyway, just my thoughts.