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Message: AGM

Koo, IF we do need to vote on whatever deal DM has in store.....AND IF it follows the rules of AGM notification previously relayed to me by Resverlogix (see this previous message), then it sound like notice of meeting must be filed by October 22, 2017 to allow for an AGM to occur on December 26th, 2017 (the extended maturity date of the loan per yesterday's news release). The key statement supporting this 65 day period is from Sarah's reply to me from about a year ago:

"The Notice of Meeting must be filed at least 25 days before the Record Date, and the Record Date must be between 40 and 50 days before the Meeting Date."

So I guess that means we all need to cheer for a futility analysis by October 22nd? A couple of big "IFs" above, since we don't know for sure if we have to vote on anything that would be subject to a 65-day notice of meeting period.


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