Thanks for these articles Bear.
In the Sci Rep 2017:7:8857 report on pg3 they state "The domain-specific inhibitors against BET's are highly needed to avoid adverse effects of prolonged pan-BET inhibition". This is something the company has been saying for years now. Also interesting is on pg9 is the suggestion that RVX-208 might alter or shorten the communication path of the ZA and BC loops. This point was brought up a couple of times in the article.
Time lines are a little fuzzy for me but 7-10 years ago at an AGM in Calgary DM talked about crystal structures and that they would become more important in the future. We are now in the future. That AGM was the first time I met Rocketman. This is the second article/scientific report that I have read this year that mentions the crystal structures (pg10). I don't recall reading anything prior to this year that specifically talks about crystal structures. That 8 year lead on the competition is sneaking in here again.
I find it amazing that today we are measuring composition of atoms and time in 100ths of nanoseconds along with the energy displacement of particles with the introduction of foreign elements, RVX-208. Time is so amazing in the findings of science.
Looking forward to developments over the next couple of months.