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Message: Re: We might already be at 125 events....

"Is 187.5 events 75% of 250 or 50% of 375? They may have increased the sample size already."

Ha. That coincidence didn't escape me Chicagoest. 

Another thought.......In a couple of weeks, on November 11th, will have reached the 104 week mark of dosing for the first patient(s) that entered BETonMACE. According to currently available BETonMACE protocol (see slide 16 of the BIO Investor Forum Oct 2017 presentation), these patients will enter the 4 to 16 week safety follow up period (presumably off drug) once they reach the 104 week treatment point.

Is it possible that one of the modifications to trial protocol is to extend the 104 week treatment period such as a voluntary open-label extension (OLE) period? This would definitely help with providing more long term safety data from BETonMACE.


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