...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!

Message: The silence is deafening

This isn't your typical speculative stock, not from what I've seen over more years than I care mention.  Normally a big % jump like we've seen this week, you would see forums such as this filled with excited posters exhorting everyone to "load the boat" with talk of "the trains leaving the station" and maybe even that DotCom area bromide TO DAH MOON.

This forum is a bit different however, there tends to be a more balanced approach....pumping is verboten as is bashing.  That's not to say posters don't get excited, I still do :-)  But we've also got a lot of posters here who bought in during headier times when the PPS was over $10, so they're more likely to be unimpressed with a PPS of just $2.20

I was recently chastised a bit for coming across as more of a trader than an investor, it seems that some think you have to be one or the other....I'm a bit of a hybid.  But its a zero sum game, you can't have your cake and eat it too, and likewise you can't have your shares and the money at the same time, you have to pick.

Don't take this hub too seriously, we have a few snowflakes who love to complain....but there's a lot of good information that gets shared.

Short version, welcome to the hub and I look forward to your contributions.  

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