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Message: Here's what I'd like to see - a 1:5 Reverse coupled with a listing on the Naz

Whenever I think about the ownership and share structure and the HL China liscensing deal, the term 'poison pill' keeps springing to mind. 

I can't help but wonder whether its all be design to make RVX a difficult and maybe even an impossible target for a buyout.  Its not necessarily a bad thing, if that $300 billion revenue figure ends up being accurate over the patent life of Apabetalone (assuming approval in multiple indications) I doubt any deal would offer full and fair value.

Given the massive position HepaLink has built in % terms, and that they're already the world's biggest producer of Heparin Sodium....the thing that makes most sense is for them to try and scoop Apabetalone up imo.

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