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Message: Random weekend thoughts re the loan...

$30 million, hopefully we get confirmation that it has gone through.

The BB slide deck had the burn rate ~$40 million annually...over $3.3 million p/month.  Of course that's a historical figure, so I'm going to assume its down to ~$3 million p/mth currently.

Okay....so $30 million less the $3 million in interest paid monthly brings the total to $27 million.  Exit fees and such are reportedly $1.5 million, so we'll take it down to $25 million to keep at round numbers in millions.

I'll assume that for May/June/July the burn rate will be ~$3 million for a total of $9 million, which leaves $16 million.  For Aug/Sep/Oct I'll drop the burn to $2 million which brings the total down to $10 million....and then a burn of $1 million p/month for Nov/Dec/Jan bringing the total down to about $7 million

Obviously this is spitballing but it strikes me that the amount is sufficient to get us at least to EOY and the projected top line BETonMACE data and it would seem there should be enough to at least get BETonRenal and Fabry's off the ground.

Of course we don't know where the bank account sits currently....$1 million?  $2 million?  Less? 

I would love to be in a situation personally where I was down to my last couple of million, I think I could survive quite comfortably.  

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