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Message: Short interest

I will attempt to answer your question of "who gives a crap".  I for one do :-)

You Jermaine are of the opinion that with a better management team, that the PPS would likely be $3.50 or more...maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't, its a totally moot point.  

You cite missed timelines and misplaced bravado, and that is fair.  A few months back I jumped the shark complaining about corporate communications and a propensity toward over promising and under delivering.  But who knows, if the company had been more realistic with timelines and expectations perhaps there'd be even less interest in Resverlogix than the low level of interest there is currently.  As I say, the point is totally debatable...its moot.

Ultimately the only thing that matters right now as I see things is the success or failure of BETonMACE.  John Lennon once famously said that life is what happens to you when you're trying to reach your destination.  Put another way many people have said, "Its the journey that counts, not the destination".  Well for RVX investors I think that axiom is flipped on it's head, for us at this point its all about the destination.

If BETonMACE succeeds and achieves 30% or higher RRR, then the road when we hit the finish line, I think it will truly paved with gold.  

But while we wait for that result its hard not to look out the windows of the car from our rear seat and check out the scenery.  And if there is a player (or players, but I honestly believe we're looking at just one) willing to borrow hundreds of thousands of shares and dump them back into the market, then the view isn't going to be a bright blue sky and brilliant sunshine, at times it'll be raining so hard we'll think we're in a car wash.  

Keeping an eye on short interest helps me to form an opinion as to whether its really raining buckets outside, or if we're being followed by a water truck with a big hose turned on us.



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