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Message: Pointing in the right direction & bogus Lilly

Interesting update tundup thanks. You have said that management said the current event rate is 7.2%. Is that the current cumulative rate?  If so and we are currently at 2400 patient years then we should be at 172.8 events, call it 172 since I’m not sure you can have a .8 event :)

I wonder why management is not giving us some sort of blinded update. If blinded eGFR is looking so good in a very sick population then one could likely make an educated guess that it is due to drug. That guess and other educated guesses on a blinded report could be written and protected by forward looking statement provisions. Even a report using a question format would be useful. For example Why is eGFR improving where it would normally be decreasing in this sick population?  Not sure why management can’t release how many events have taken place.  I am happy  that patients are still on drug past 2 years as I imagine that will speak well for a chronic use drug.

Thanks again for the effort tundup.

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