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Message: What If - Uses of Apabetalone

From a business side if BoM succeeds and is approved for the specific indications in the trial (CVD, DM & low HDL) by the EU and/or FDA and if it goes to market either directly via RVX and it's various partners (Medison, Hepalink) or if apabetalone and a close cluster related molecules is sold to a BP would it be fair to say that once the drug is on the market doctors can choose, at their discretion, to use it for other indications like dementia, Fabry's, CKD or whatever?

Therefore if sold to a BP would RVX lose control over it's use for "other indications" and hence would lose those revenue streams?

Any thoughts?

The events are really unfolding beautifully from my perspective and Don seems to be in the driver's seat with strong financial council to help RVX carry through to "whatever" structure unfolds. I like the movement in the share price but it is still far too low given recent developments and more to come.

Thanks to all you posters for your excellent insights. I can't keep up with the information but please keep it coming.


Aug 11, 2018 07:33PM
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