posted on
Sep 13, 2018 08:34PM
I also attended both AGMs yesterday. I agree with what has been posted so far as to the increased positivity around both companies. I have been to a lot of the AGMs and other meetings in the past and think these were the best meetings/presentations to date.
Just to add a little bit to what others have posted;
I spoke with Ewelina Kulikowski briefly and asked her how she would characterize the blinded trial data the company receives. She said that what they are seeing is what they anticipated and that there have been no suprises thus far. Obviously no guarantees, and some trials do see better placebo response than anticipated, but to me it is a positive that the pooled blinded data of both groups is what was expected as it follows that the company would be anticipating data that would be reflective of a total pool of sick patients of which half are responding to drug as has been projected. I also asked her about the piece in Molecular Oncology that suggested Apabetalone should be investigated as a therapeutic against the spread of colo-rectal cancer. She said it was interesting but that the concentration of apabetalone in the lab tissue was about 80x what it would be in a patients tissue if they were being dosed with apabetalone now. I asked (what do I know) if a different delivery system might be utilized. She said maybe (probably being polite) or maybe another RVX compound might be more suitable. I think the idea of another compound sounds interesting.
I very briefly chatted with Don between the meetings. In that chat I asked him what he thought the EV of RVX is right now. He said they feel currently the company is worth "somewhere around 3" (billion).
I left right after the Zenith presentation so don't really have anything to add given my understanding is both the presentation and the Q&A are available.
Again, I thought the AGMs were great. The presentations pretty much covered all the questions I had.