So..I need some clarification..with Vascepa suddenly being all the rage on the networks etc (I just got prescribed to it and taking it for the last three weeks to lower the trygliseride number...and its $300 for a bottle of 120 capsules that got knocked done to $50 with insurance...) is this a competitor to RVX or would it be used in concerts with the apabetalone’s successful (hopefully) outcome or just how if any, does all this effect our long term efforts here for a great financial and health improved outcome with RVX if Vascepa will do the same thing? They both are after the same thing and it looks like already a proven drug here as ‘enhanced fish oil’ Comments?
It would be great for RVX208 to get all the recent publicity Ike Vascepa, if we find out at the end of Q1 ‘19 that it works like we are hoping for.