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Message: Interesting Trades / Volume .....

BearDownAZ and Koo-Koo2,


Thanks for replying to my post and welcoming me. Let me state for the record that science / medicine is not my area of expertise.  We have several individuals on this board (you included) that are far more knowledgeable than I can ever dream of being. I'm a numbers, beancounter / financials guy.  If I may, let me clarifiy and expand my comment to my post as to why I feel it is not prudent for RVX to release the 250 / 270 etc. mace event numbers.

I think we all agree that the IP patents and future C.F. mutiples all will be sold or spun off down the road sometime if we are successful as we all hope it will be.  Large pharma will be doing it's D.D. from a data room that RVX sets up. Part of this process will be (let's hope we have three or four interested) large pharma recreating it's own models and predictor variable tests. They employ countless acctuaries, scientists that will be duplicating using the phase III data. The data that we have collected so far is a portion of our secret sauce. Timelines are very important when recreating models.  So ante up big pharma, sign a NDA with a break away clause and see where our little gem would co mingle with your drugs which are coming off patents.  I  ask a simple question here, Why give away info for free? 

In the past RVX has been very short and sweet when it comes to press releases, I've gone back to 2009 and material events have been announced. Very little detail has been shared with the public and I think that cards have been held close to the vest. My opinion.  Yes, I have heard of occasions were Don M. has been very exuberant with his comments on matters. 

I have invested throughout the years in several PIII biotechs that have been more than generous with the info.  I see RVX very tight lipped in the matter.



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