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Message: Interesting Trades / Volume .....

Hi Koo-Koo2,


Please see my reply to Bear about just holding back the info of 250, 270 or whatever it is. I agree that material info needs to be shared with the market.

Let me state this,  Backroom deals as you alluded to are very rare and are done when the junior is in a real tight bind.  The deal that I'm looking for RVX to do with BP would involve months.  It would involve both companies BoD's, Steering com's, Audit, Management, Legal, Compliance, Governance, major stake holders of BP, etc.

Respectfully, You totally missed the point of my post. I'm looking for RVX to maximize value here. I've been investing in late stage BioT's now for over 30 years and if Apabetalone is the real deal, I want all of us to get what is due to us and no backroom deal.

As far as financing, I think that's why Rothchild's is on board. Just a hunch. 


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