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Message: Re: Answer from IR - 250 confrimed MACE would require disclosure

I left it in on purpose....meh....Gordon, Gord, Gordie, take your pick.  Although Gordie is only for my wife :-)

As for my conspiratorial bent, its not uncommon in business dealings for both parties to assume that the other is trying to screw them.  Georg Carlin famously quipped how businessmen, based on that assumption, will try to screw someone in a deal just a little bit harder and faster.  I'd link the video but its laced with profanity and would viloate the TOS.  

60 Minutes profiled an architectural firm that was almost bankrupted by the POTUS after he refused to honour a contractual agreement....first offering something like 50 cents for each dollar owed and then even less.  The owner of the firm said Trump's lawyer basically told him that he could sue, but that his job would be to grind it out as long as possible.....

Most ordinary people operate in good faith...but in business there are lots of sharks out there who don't just want to win, they want everyone else to lose.  

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