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Message: Sarah's reply to my email

BDAZ - Some possible explanations for this murky water.

As you have stated previously most events happen within the first 6 months of enrolment. Other than the last 24 recruits in China enrolment was completed in March. For the majority of the patients, year end was 3 months past that rapid event window. The total trial population could be healthier than the previous trials that BoM was design around. Many of the patients may have had a serious talk with the big man, or their spouse and did a lot more than previous trial patients to improve their personal health. The apabetalone dosed group may be doing way better than predicted and finally the adjudication group may be just dragging their feet in hopes of getting additional fees for getting this done in a more efficient manor. There is alway the possibility that there could be any combination of the above. 

Now the cruncher, all of this is outside of the control of the RVX, the trial management company and it would seem the big man himself.


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