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Message: Another Date that is fast approaching


You asked,

"CD.... how do you see this going down?

Will we have something by then for a successful and challenging, ROFR? "


Have spent much time over the year thinking about this. Here is my thoughts on this. I might be wrong but this is how I see it. I'm not trying to create FUD here. My apology if this has been discussed in the past.

Hepalink is more of a liability than an asset to RVX.  Yes. The cash was nice and it funded much of the BETonMACE study. Not many options were available, I'm certain that DM found the best avenue for funding that was available. Look at the recent Third Eye funding terms,  You, Bear, DM, I and a few others on this hub would have been better off pulling out our gold amex cards and putting the funding on there.  The terms would have been better.  I'm not knocking DM. Money for biotechs is hard to find. Again, I'm certain he did the best he could. Imho, he has done a great job with the co.

Let me explain what is on my mind. Hepalink hold over 46% of the shares after this latest round of financing, If they exercise all of the Wts. As long as no further dilution takes place.

Eastern Capital  and Third Eye could also play an arbitrage roll with Hepalink. Eastern controls 12.5% of  RVX. Third Eye's position is a little unclear until the loan is paid off.   

So ask yourself this .........

If you're Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Sanofi, etc. would you want to mess around with trying to take out a pharma manufacturer (Hepalink) that is trying to get it's foot in the North American market? If you do,  At what cost? The problem can be addressed..  It will only take one thing ...... Money and plenty of it. It usualy solves all problems. IF BP jumps in, it will be after full results are released and not before imho. 

The United States rights are the crown jewel. April 2019 is fast approaching.  Will RVX release full results by than?

The real white knight in all this is the royalty shares that Zenith Capital owns, I believe it's over 75 million shares and not in the RVX 195,264,697 shares out standing count.  This in my opinion is insurance that RVX will get a fair and honest price and not be aquired for a song.

To answer your initial question. My opinion is that I think DM/RVX will sell off Apabetalone after (if and when) Phase III approval. I think it will be very much like a Zenith Capital deal.  Nobody is certain when full results will be announced.  If no full results by April 2019, I think that Hepalink will exercise and RVX gets infused with cash to keep all the other trials going.  Hepalink is in deep and I'm afraid to say is not in a position to back away. the finish line is too close for anyone to not see the final results.




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