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Message: Next private placement/licensing agreement

The company never announced that they "will" be doing more financings....imo its vital to read PRs very carefully.  What they said was:

"....the company anticipates closing one or more additional subscriptions for equity units within the next 30 days".

Now, the company has certainly set an expectation....and I think its reasonable to assume that many will read it exactly as you did Cabel, that there will be more financing announced soon...within 30 days.  

But the word "anticipates" is key because it is forward looking and thus protected under Safe Harbour provisions....Safe Harbour isn't some fishing village in Newfoundland, it means that it is not material information and it cannot be relied upon.

Still...I imagine that as we approach the start of March, there could very well be some shareholders who will have their radar up if no subscritptions are announced.  This has happened so many times I'm tired of enumerating all the instances where expectations have been set, and then not met.

I've only been here a little over 5 years....having missed the heady days of 2007/2008 and the excitment and then disappointment of the Assure failure.  In my time here this seems to be par for the course, setting expectations and then failing to meet them.

And frankly I don't think its an accident.  The company seems to me to be the author of FUD in more cases than not.  

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