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Message: Next private placement/licensing agreement

***My take on this is that shorts (with deep pockets) are sticking by their convictions that BOM is still questionable. They are not ready to cover their positions just yet especially with " The ambiguity and confusion surrounding BETonMACE status and timelines" to quote Bear that is emanating from RVX's management. The short position has stubbornly hovered around 300K for some time now.***

KOO,,,,,,I am not concerned about shorts,,however,,,,the investment community who have deep pockets see only one Chinese company floating RVX these past years and gaining greater ownership with each financial offering. This maybe keeping funds and or BP from entering the fray to get a piece of RVX at this point in development. Why DM cant seem to entice any other major investor to participate in a PP is sort of a head scratcher. KD seems to have taken the watch and see approach in epigenetc research.

Very soon we either get new blood in our mix or HL or will have full control of this company. And that scares me!!! Owned a company in similar circumstances before a few years back and witnessed what I call white collar crime taking place for a several years afterwards . All transactions after take over were with Chinese companies and no others.Cash rich prior to and ended up having to borrow $$$ to keep the lights on!!

HL are only ruffly 15 million shares/$45 million from doing so,,and then it would be boooyyaaaa,,HL chairs the meetings, directs this company, and we shareholders basically get shut out having a say and or participating in this company!!!!,,jmo


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