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Message: One point I want to make clear...

My last post was more than a bit loaded....and incredibly cynical.  I posted that I don't believe Don is interested in the value of shares right now.  A better way to put that....a more accurate representation of what I think, I'd put it more this way.

I don't think Don cares at this point about what RVX shares are trading at. 

Its a subtle difference, but it more accurately reflects what I believe.  And there's actually a very positive aspect to it.  Personally I don't want a CEO focussed on and worrying about the share price.  Execute on the business and the PPS will take care of itself.....that should be the focus, not just for the CEO but for everyone working for Resverlogix.  

What gets my shorts in a knot is when the company does communicate with the market, that they do it in a clear, professional and transparent manner....and that they deliver on the expectations they put out.  And if they've put out expectations that are not going to be met....then get in front of it and notify the market.  

A case in point would be the whole issue of event rates and expectations about when dosing was to cease.  Starting at the AGM it was communicated that BETonMACE was due to stop dosing sometime around the end of the year....they were very clear.  Events were happening in and around 10-15 per month and final dosing was suppposed to happen 5 or 6 weeks ago.

Okay...they were wrong, its event based trial and things can change due to there being so many moving pieces.  So how does a company deal with the fact that it set expectations that were not going to be met?  The professional thing to do would be to get in front of it, issue a PR or something...cancel some Bio dog and pony and host a webcast with a Q&A afterwards.

Its not rocket surgery or brain science....

If the decision has been made to be as quiet as possible....awesome, then go with that.  But if informaiton is put out there, then make sure its accurate....and if things change and expectations are not going to be met....then be proactive and get in front of it.  Not doing so just cheeses off shareholders, at least those of us in the bleachers who aren't updated daily.....but maybe that's the goal.  

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