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Message: One point I want to make clear...

Expects/anticipates/intends....these are all forward looking terms and are not to relied upon as material fact, they are also protected by Safe Harbour provisions....so failing to deliver on anything forward looking, 'oh well, too bad so sad'.  

I get it....I know all about forward looking statements and safe harbour....Safe Harbour isn't a fishing village on Canada's east cost.  

With Resverlogix you have to include less fuzzy terms such as "will"...as in "we will be conducting a Futility Analysis at the half way point, after 125 events".

I'll discuss it with Paul tomorrow....perhaps Resverlogix is only interested in doing the bare bones minimum and doesn't care that they repeatedly set expectations and then fail to meet them.  Perhaps DM and Paul think this is the best way to deliver shareholder value....to announce that the trial is expected to be wrapping up with dosing ending in late 2018...annoucing that just a couple months before the year came to an end.  

Taking torpedoman's report that DM is in near daily contact with Hepalink at face value.....perhsaps that is all that counts, keeping the biggest investor fully up to speed...while the rest of us can feast on crumbs of fuzzy expectations that are often just forgotten about.  


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