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Message: BETonMACE Placebo Estimate

sumpup - You bring up a great point in familiarity. If I get out of line here someone please get me back on the right track. Atorvastatin, Lipitor was the 1st in class statin to be approved by the FDA so every statin that came later was compared against it. Consequently the name Lipitor became the best known name in the statin world. Not that it was the best, just the best known. If memory serves correct Lipitor also held the position of top selling drug in the world for a couple of years until other statins were developed to take market share away. Again if memory serves correct when the results of Lipitors Phase III trial came out it showed an 18% RRR versus the standard of care at that time. These results were so significant at that time that the entire world paid attention.

If and that's a huge if, Apabetalone comes in with an RRR of greater than 30% and shows any success with CKD and Cognitive Function we will be be sitting on the "Lipitor" of the future. All other Selective BET drugs developed in the future will be compared to this 1st in class drug we now  call Apabetalone. Wether we are the best drug or not may not make a difference for a time as every Selective BET drug will be compared to us. Every time a new competitor comes up so will the name Apabetalone and our competitors will be doing some marketing for us. The name Apabetalone could become as familiar as Lipitor or Crest Or Coca Cola. Maybe we will hold the position of top selling drug in the world for a time, who knows! First in Class is a challenge to begin with but if you have success it's a great place to be. This silence is deafening but not unexpected in a double blinded trial.


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