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Message: DSMB

We will almost certainly hear something next week as to the additional financing referred to in their Jan. 31 PR.  I say ‘almost’ because they did use the word ‘anticipate’ as someone has already pointed out.  Otherwise it might be a week or two later but realistically nothing beyond that.  This financing is probably geared to ensure funding through to the end of the trial.(?)  Further, my guess is that we will hear that they have reached 250 adjudicated MACE sometime in May/June.  If it’s sooner then great but since that PR will leave no room for error I’ll err on the side of caution, especially since those numbers have been somewhat inconclusive to date.  Then we’re looking at topline results, probably by the end of August or sometime in September.  So, let’s say 6 months before things get interesting either way.  JMHO

Even if the results don’t come in quite as good as is anticipated, does that necessarily spell the end for apabetalone?  Further, as regards that shortcoming in the Phase 2 (was it ASSURE?) trial, would they have tweeked the formula to try and compensate for that prior to commencing the Phase 3 trial?  Apologies if that has been discussed previously or if that question doesn’t make sense.  I’m not a science guy.

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