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Message: Re: Contest Tally - Cut Off Tonight 9 pm EST

The degree of optimism/confidence being expressed by DWH, Tada, Cabel and others in the past day or two is pretty exciting to contemplate. What I’m really starting to grasp is just the sheer magnitude of what the possibilities for this thing could be. A positive topline is simply the key that opens the door to a whole range of possibilities.  Not only is there the primary endpoint but also the secondary endpoints, US listing, full data release, further trials (Fabry, Pulmonary Hypertension, etc.) and of course the strong likelihood of BP involvement somewhere along the line.  Yes, the balloon could pop with a negative topline, but if it doesn’t then we could be in for one heck of a six months following the announcement.

For me, a buyout by BP would be the endgame in all of this.  In the interim there will surely be ups and downs in the SP, but the brass rail is a buyout.  If Tada is right and we end up looking at a market cap of $15-$20B, well, that’s just mind blowing but no less so than Amazon going from $3 to $1,800 or any number of other stocks that have followed a similar trajectory.  

As Bear suggested, this just might be worth a trip to Paris and be a fly on the wall.


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