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Message: Why I think it's a homerun

Management's unwillingness to start other trials. Since 2017, all other trials are pushed back. In their shoes, if I thought BoM wouldnt succeed, I would have started other fires(trials) to make sure the company stays hot if BoM ends up a cold shower. I feel like the management is saying: No need for it, BoM will saves us some time for other trials.

I wouldn't say "unwillingness" or "no need for it".  I suspect if they had lots of cash they would be further into other studies. I'm sure they're optimistic that BoM will succeed but it's a triple blind study so they simply don't know yet.  They also thought ASSURE would succeed. And I'm not sure what past trials had success with 5-point mace. If you're referring to RVX studies, post hoc analyses don't equate to "trial success".


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