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Message: Does anyone here know personally the poster tundup,..?

Cabel, do yourself and all of us a favor and re-read all the messages in the thread that started with Tundup's message. This will avoid repetitive questions that have already been discussed and resolved. Long story short, the 10-11% refers to the event rate at the originally projected median dosing period of 18 months (similar to observed in EXAMINE). In other words, when all is said and done and they plot stuff out on the Kaplan-Meier curves, 10-11% was the projected event rate at 18 months. We now know that BETonMACE median dosing will be closer to 24 months, not the originally planned 18 months, so the event rate at the median dosing period will likely be greater than 11%.

The 8 events per 100 patient years or 7.2 events per 100 patient years is over a different time period (12 months or 1 year) and is not comparable to the event rate at the 18 or 24 month median dosing period. The other piece of info is that in the AHA 2018 poster, it stated "With an assumed primary event rate of 7 per 100 patient years in the placebo group......" If one assumed a 10.5% event rate at median dosing period of 18 months, this would equate to 7 events per 100 patient years (10.5% divided by 1.5).


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