Will the first presentation of BETonMACE data be at ESC 2019 as a Late Breaking Clinical Trial? ESC 2019 is August 31 to Sept 4th in Paris, France. The timing seems about right. Top-line announcement "should" come out prior to ESC 2019 according to the latest Resverlogix guidance, in which case the top-line announcement could be a simple statement of meeting or not meeting the primary outcome with no additional details (i.e. %RRR). These additional details (%RRR, etc) would potentially be presented at this ESC 2019 late breaker following the earlier top-line announcement. However, also possible that there is no advanced top-line announcement and the ESC late breaker serves as the grand reveal of the primary outcome was met, as well as reveal of the details such as %RRR, etc.
Late-breaking clinical trial - Reserved for first presentations of the primary endpoint(s) of a new clinical trial
Important Dates
21 May 2019 - Late-Breaking Science submission deadline
Mid June 2019 - Late-Breaking Science Results. An email will be sent to each submitter and assigned presenter
End of June 2019 - Deadline to confirm the presentation and submit the agreement form