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Message: nuts!

Preclin - I recognize my post perhaps contained a hint of arrogance and I apologize for any offence.  We all have market stories to tell and pioneer investors in RVX have certainly had quite a ride. Having come in at P3 about a year ago is probably less risky than for those that jumped on board in the early days.  There is just a whole lot more information available now to make an informed investment decision, and people like BDZ have certainly contributed greatly to raising my level of comfort on RVX, a fact to which others can surely attest.

One thing that gives me some of that comfort is that topline results will (hopefully) provide data on more than one indication.  While anything is possible, I think the odds of all 3 indications failing is relatively minimal based on what the science and prior trials have revealed to date. If the main indication fails at topline then it will be ugly for sure, but the SP could recover somewhat if either one of the others clicks and the detailed data reveal backs it up a month or two later.

True, we may never get to $40 or anywhere close to it.  But if I can ultimately walk away with my money back then, we’ll, nothing ventured nothing gained, and if nothing else I’ve been amused along the way.

Oh yes, good luck to you as well.


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