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Message: The offering



You said

“It takes time to work through all the supply that RVX just dumped onto the market. After the deal is closed, and as traders close out their positions (those who participate in the offering with the intention of selling before topline are trading) the price will trend higher.”


Are you saying that investors have received  their recently publicly offered shares by now and have been selling them (or some) and keeping the warrants, and that is causing the SP to fall? 

If that is the case, I have a couple thoughts on that.

1) I don’t think that the shares would have been issued yet (I could be wrong) and if they have not been then I’m doubtful holders may short the stock in anticipation of receiving the shares, because there was no guarantee the offer would not be pulled (like it was last time)

2) you said “I have sold zero. I have subscribed to 50,000 units.”.... So when you say you have subscribed to the shares, are you saying you have not received them yet? Because that would support my first thought. And if you haven’t received them yet, why would you believe others have received theirs and are selling them?


Note: I’m not being a smart %## here. Just wondering.



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