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Message: Not on the board, nor bored, but on board

Not a researcher nor strong in finance topics and a relatively recent RVX “student”..bonafide “ wet fingered” dentist. Some observations...

The chair groaned supporting his +350 lb mass...”pre-diabetic” ( you wish ) on updated med history, sported healthy non bleeding gingival tissues. Religiously brushes...good boy! no inflammation there.

Next...another 30s age-range fellow only a bit overweight but has Crohns disease. Fiery red bleeding tissues and needs a date with his toothbrush, aside from a date. Listed meds include a TFN-alpha inhibitor! ( $22mil market world wide 2009 for these according to Wikipedia....Apabetalone worthy?!

A 70s male healthy weight but lists coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, high cholesterol, hypertension, osteoporosis, GERD...lists Rosuvastatin amongst 8 meds. Wife supplied his well organized med list, not sure if he has some mental deficiencies creeping in...

Talk of chronic inflammation when gum bleeding noted peppers the conversation continuously it seems throughout the day. Sounding like a broken record to my staff me thinks. Read up on the RVX-208 dental research post awhile back and look forward to more!

Seeing indications at every turn or is it just what I want to see?

Warned by my financial advisor of the industry sponsored “plants” on stock hubs so doing due diligence as best I can.

I appreciate the educational experience offered here! Thanks for your perspectives. 






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