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Message: Just got word....

Hey guys,

I agree, I think BDAZ's contributions are valuable and I appreciate them.

I try to post only when I have value to add, which is not often, but when I do it'll be from a trading or market dynamics point of view.

I have two offerings today:

1) this morning I subscribed to more units. So as of this morning (May 30th) the offering is still open. This particular account and relationship is a corporate one. I trade professionally using a coporate structure. It's possible regular Joe-Blow retailers will be treated differently (I don't know). Also, I'm curious as to whether one must be an accredited investor to partake in the offering?

2) I feel like this stock is well supported around $3.40. The price action today in the late afternoon was very encouraging. I expect that after the offering is closed, the uptrend will resume and I expect new 52 week highs before topline. Please understand that "expect" just means "greater than even odds." Also please understand I could be wrong.

Finally, the market seems to be valuing the warrants at around $0.60. To me that seems awfully low. I don't get it. If someone can explain that to me I'd appreciate it.


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