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Message: Timing of BETonMACE data

Curious if anyone has a good read on when the company is expected to announce top-line results. 
Is it simply a function of the final LSV + ~ 2weeks or is there more to it?


In my experience (as a clinician-scientist) most companies will release the top line results of a major clinical trial at a meeting along with the simultaneous publication of the results in a journal.

Just as an example: https://www.amgen.com/media/news-releases/2017/09/new-fourier-analysis-shows-repatha-evolocumab-reduces-cardiovascular-events-in-patients-with-diabetes/

So I would expect the next release will be a confirmed announcement of a planned fall 2018 meeting presentation.  I would not expect the result to be announced in an isolated news release.





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