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Message: wondering if Dart & co...

Not so much that it's rigged CCD, it's more about feet on the ground and doing your own dd or paying someone to do it or you. If you are networked with 10 to 50 people that have interests in the same or different areas and share info between each other then there is a better chance that between the group you could uncover more information than one person could do on their own. Essentially what is happening on the hubs of any company on Agora but on a more personal level. This process may include visits to corporate head offices, labs, production facilities, exploration sites and developments sites. Each person in the group brings something different to the table through their education and experience so even though 2 to 5 people may make a visit to the same place, each may take something different away from that situation. Different individuals within that group may have spoken to different individuals within the company they were visiting and therefore may have a different perspective than others as a result of the same visit. After sitting down or conference calling to compare notes the lists of data picked up by each member may increase by 20% to 100%. 

Is that insider information, I don't think so, it's just due diligence. That situation is available to every investor but only a few use it. It's not cheap either as all of the costs are born by the individuals doing that dd whether the company is across town or across the world. Does that give those investors a leg up, you betcha, but it is available to every investor. 

The challenge comes in sharing that info. It may have taken 10, 20, 30 years to develop a network of individuals to carry out this process of information gathering and only 25 minutes to undue it. So where someone was willing to share this info in the past its pretty likely that the flow of information would be greatly reduced in the future. And that CCD is why 80% of the profits are made by 20% of the investors. Some people just can't or won't allow themselves to take in and filter the information that is available.

All IMO, dyodd.


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