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Message: Amarin Market Cap

Replying to segments from Bear, GAC, and noretreat .....

Noretreat - in 30+ years in the business end of the medical industry, I cannot EVER remember a drug or device showing up ahead of schedule. Doo doo happens. Things always get delayed. There is so MUCH anticipation and pressure to deliver asap, that time frames get pushed optimistically to make investors, employees, and end users stop yapping. It's like a proforma for a business, there are ALWAYS things/costs/expenses missing, that are impossible to account for in advance. Just a "best guess" "if" things go like they should/could, and with no surprises.

GAC - Yeah, Don and others may be paddling like crazy beneath the water but I have seen nothing resembling anything other than confidence, maybe even a touch of "cocky" at times. You guys actually have personal experience in his presence though. But this whole thing seems like a group highly confident that they are sitting on extraordinary technology and financial opportunity - they seem more concerned about patiently getting there, rather than timing or stock prices along the way. Hope they are right about it.

Bear - Adding to the GAC comments above, RVX seems to have little concern about the short term pps. It's all about $50-100 rather than $20-25 and the little pps wins and peaks & valleys along the way that we retail "ants" in the "ant farm" are scurrying around about almost daily. I would imagine they will do what they think is right to get it right, and deliver at good timing, to get to the bigger prizes. I want answers now! But timing seems great for September top line, late year (AHA?) full data, and maybe some set up commercialization and/or partnering preparation moves along the way based on what they are finding in the data? Internal feelings & knowledge of success/failure should start to trickle into a picture soon, whether data is tabulated or not. It will be interesting to see how tight the lid stays on the information as we lead up to data lock and afterwards, prior to intentional release of information. All eyes will be "peeled" looking for the smallest of clues haha

This is a REALLY big deal though, not just for one drug, one company, and a single group of investors. It is a potential MOA categorical breakthrough, with multiple indications potentially, a challenge to conventional clinical thinking for multiple clinical segments, and a vast market potential. And a company on a shoestring, with no previous FDA success, commercialization or operational experience, or revenues.  

There is a lot for this little Canadian company to manage and handle, to get it all done properly.

And yet ... data is the linch pin to it all ... again, just hoping the science & clinical brain trust just took what they had previously learned and produced a well designed study to showcase their understandings & theories ... the rest will take care of itself for timing and maximizing impact ... tick tock ...

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