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Message: Amarin Market Cap

hummmm,,,,,,,,Sept/19 now for top line ,,,,,,, not earth shattering,,,they have been anicipated, based on DMs' say so, since Dec/17,,,,,,and well before that the trial was told to us minions to be fully funded,,,,,,and KD expressed the invitation to Management that he would finance 208 thru to completion,,,,,,,so no surpise here,,,,and I wouldnt be one bit surprised if that gets changed as well in August,,,,,,,gives the shorts ample opportutnity to have their fun with share price!!

In reality,,,,,BoM has taken the best part of 2 years or almost double the original planned timeline and how many millions of additional $$$,,,,,,our team has history around timelines,,the shorts know it and short they shall,,,,,,,,,couple that with the $4 ceiling put in place when the PO was announced!!! Welcome to Resverlogix investing where not much seems to change at times. jmo

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