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Message: Re: Shorts don't operate in a vaacum......

I have to disagree on one aspect Koo....I still think short selling is of vital imporatnce in determining what the PPS does over the next 2 to 3 months.  Right now we're trading in and around $3 CAD per share....hypothetically I can't help but wonder what the PPS would be at if short interest hadn't increased by over 100K leading up to trades settled by June 30th.  What if shorts had been buying and covered off 100K instead in the weeks leading up to June's end?  Obviously there's no way to know but a PPS of $4+ is possible in my opinion.

Ultimately I agree that everything is riding on BoM results....if shorts are exposed and the results are good, then they're pooched imo, if it fails to meet the primary endpoint they're golden. 

Between now and when results come out lots can happen still though.  I have not discounted the possibility that there could be another bear raid....or multiple raids for that matter.  Some shareholders are potentially still incredibly sensitive to wild price fluctuations in my view....and looking at yesterday's volume (or rather lack of volume) it strikes me that borrowing and dumping a decent number of shares (perhaps as little as 25 or 50K) could have a sizeable impact on the PPS.

We won't have the next update until July 19th, for trades settled up to July 15th....between now and then if there's a big dump we wouldn't know if shorts are increasing their bets or if perhaps some investors are deciding to bail out early. 

I wish short interest was updated more frequently but it is what it is....I still think this roller coaster ride could have some surprises.  


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