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Message: Sedar filings

Since I became aware of this forum there has been much discussion about RVX's financial situation, and that's fine.  That said, I don't think anyone should be under any illusion that the company is somehow not going to make it to the finish line because of money.  You don't invest multi-millions into developing a drug for a Phase 3 clinical trial unless you have the resources to make it happen.  If the major backers of the company can solicit funds from 3rd party lenders or from the public through either PO's or PP's then they'll be happy to do that rather than cough up themselves.  Failing that however, they will be there with cash in hand to protect not only their own investment but also to see the trial through to completion.  Management's job, or at least part of it, is to make sure financial resources are managed effectively and efficiently.  In this case, that job falls to Brad Cann, the CFO.  So, at this stage, I personally don't see concerns about money being a concern whatsoever.  If topline bombs then, well, that's an entirely different story.  P

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