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Message: Sedar filings

Great detective work RVXoldtiimer as always. I was worried about 3rd Eye at the end of January when the top line covenant was not met. I  was also worried when the loan was due in spring and then RVX got the extension. So my simple conclusion was that 3rd Eye wants the returns ($) and not the grief and court cases involved in taking the IP and then having to do something with these assets...not the kind of business a syndicate would be good at I assume.

What I was reminded of by IA's post and does concern me a little are the lack of regional deals, the lack of revenue from the blood bank that Don has mentioned so many times and the fact that the big players have overall not stepped in to complete the trial (it was said many times that Dart/Eastern would carry the trial to the end). Glad Eastern has invested more in Zenith as I recall. Perhaps shifting $ to the ZCC royalty preferred shares re apabetalone? I really don't know.

I am not worried about the completion of BoM. My opinion is that it will get done and if it takes more dilution that does not concern me because if this drug delivers on the current time to first event primary trial objective the upside will be so remarkable IMHO that I think I'll be quite happy with RVX and Zenith.

About a year ago or so a clinician posted that if BoM is successful that apabetalone will become one of the standard drugs required in emergency rooms throughout North America. Not sure of the poster's name and don't have time to check.

I remain positive because of the continued flow of positive scientific findings about apabetalone since Aug 2013. A recent poster posted by BDAZ talked about the MOA of apabetalone's positive effect on a T cell process thus possibly explaining part of the enhanced immune system responses caused by apabetalone. So 6 years after ASSURE positive discoveries are still being made about apabetalone. I hope I got that roughly correct given that I am not a scientist.

Question - Based on reading some recent posts do we really know concretely that top line BoM will be delivered in September? I'm lost on this.

Anyway these are just some opinions (not investment advice)that I wanted to share. Bottom line is success on BoM. It could fail and if it does I think it will take some time to sort through the future assets and who will own them. 

GLTA. It's getting close.



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