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Message: What would a successful BETonMACE Top-Line Data Announcement Look Like?

Another parallel to resource-extraction companies... when they drill a well or a shaft they will often declare it a "success", when reading between the lines would tell you that it's either a clear commercial failure, or that a whole lot more drilling and testing has to be done. That is, their definition of "success" might be "nobody died in the process".

I think the same goes for calling BetOnMace simply clearing a preset hurdle a "success". Sorry... it's not necessarily a "failure", but neither is it a real "success", not yet.

Look again at AMRN/Vascepa. Eleven months after reporting what has to be called a grand slam, completely blowing away their primary endpoints, they are still struggling to get acceptance. And this for a drug that not only has a spotless safety record but is also cheap. 



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