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Message: Re: BETonMACE and Aminotransferases

"This could not be much of a concern seeing that Apabetalone went through 9 positive DSMB safety reviews to date."

The mostly modest and transient liver enzyme elevation elicited by apabetalone was already a known and expected safety issue. The DSMB is likely concerned with new and unexpected safety issues. It is very likely that the same frequency and pattern of liver enzyme elevations will occur in BETonMACE as were observed in the Phase 2 trials. But Resverlogix and the DSMB are already aware of this and likely no DSMB comment just for expected liver enzyme observations.


Aug 14, 2019 02:34PM
Aug 14, 2019 05:28PM
Aug 14, 2019 05:43PM
Aug 14, 2019 07:54PM
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