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Message: BETonMACE and Aminotransferases


That was not my intent. Transaminitis can be thought of an acute proccess from an insult. These are very non-specific markers. These enzymes are in other body tissues (released in muscle damage for example). Red flags are raised when the liver cannot carry out its production of substrates vital to homestasis. AST/ALT are markers of disease rather than vital to sustaining life.

I am a clinician in a very narrow area of practice (Critical Care) and I assign a value to elevated liver enzymes based on each individual case. These enzymes are not indicative of overall liver function, a misnomer I agree, rather used when making clinical decisions on etiologies, therapeutic choices and diagnoses of any senerio. The possiblities for transient transaminitis are many and idiopathic quite frequently with resotution without any deleterious sequelae. 

From the "bench to the bedside" is growing more difficult due to the complexities of dealing with increasingly smaller entities in the lab and applying it clinically for the amelioration of human suffering, esp with a completely new molecule that has no equal outside the oncolgy realm.

So my question was tongue in cheek so to speak...can 208 reduce hepatocyte inflammation?


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